Crystalkil Pest Control Services is one of the top 5 largest pest control service providers in the M25 area, located in East London.
A comprehensive pest control service is provided to over 4000 clients for the control of all forms of pests including rats, mice, bee control, cockroaches, ants, wasp nest control, general insect control and birds.
Our customers are spread throughout the food trade, health care, industry, commerce, and the public sector. Crystalkil provides the finest supervised service, giving our customers, their customers and staff, safe, effective protection for their working environment and their reputation. Inedequate or poor pest control can lead to fines or imprisonment under the Food Safety Act 1990.
Rodent Control Service. Rodents are a major pest because of the disease they transmit and the damage they cause. 1 in 15 food premises are rat infested, higher still for mice.
All rodents must gnaw regularly to keep their continually growing incisor teeth at a manageable length. They live in colonies of extended families and are capable of rapid reproduction. Rodents usually feed at night and consume up to 10% of their body weight daily. It is common to see them collecting food during the day
Bird Pests. For the property owner feral bird pests can be a serious menace, especially in concentrated urban populations. They pose a very real risk to health, damage foodstuffs, deface buildings and increase property maintenance bills.
Most bird pests present no problem at all, but a few species become pests due to concentrated populations or the environment they inhabit.
Insect Control Service. If there are insect pests at your food premises they are likely to damage and contaminate food. If discovered during an inspection, or as a result of a complaint, this could lead to your premises being closed under a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice, costing you money and potentially ruining the reputation of your business.
We want to reassure you that we are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and are following advice and guidance of public health experts, including the World Health Organisation (WHO), Public Health England (PHE), and The National Health Service (NHS).
Why Pest Control?
- Pests cause damage
- Pests cause fear
- Pests contaminate products
- Pests upset work procedures
- Pests cause disease
- Pests can lead to prosecution
- Pests cause loss of goodwill
If you need help with
Pest Control London,
call us now for our
Pest Control Services on
020 3642 0659.